About Us

Over View

The long perseverance of the dedicated catholic faithful, committed missionaries and spiritual leaders paved the way for this fruitful diocese in the year 1984 by His Holiness Pope John Paul II. The diocese works for the social, economic and cultural developments of the people in this region.

People were at risk of vector and water borne diseases in this area and also they were at risk of infection from communicable diseases, such as malaria, Japanese Encephalitis, pneumonia, dengue and leprosy. The diocese and its social department ventured into by establishing Fatima referral hospital in the year1995 in order to make health care available, affordable and accessible to the rural people with 20 beds and other ancillary services. The community primary care centres started in 1980's were transformed into satellite clinics under the patronage of Fatima hospital. Presently Fatima has a net work of 10 satellite clinics in the rural areas. All the primary care clinics are managed by religious sisters and committed staff. The beneficiaries of the community health programmes in far flung villages are referred to Fatima Hospital for further investigation and medical treatment. As a response to the requirements of the region, we constituted a cadre of health professionals by recruiting well experienced and dedicated doctors, nurses, caring team of missionary sisters who work tirelessly round the clock to save the life of the people. We deliver timely services to the rural people within the remit of 14 medical disciplines that are managed by qualified and well trained team of medical professionals.

In the course of time, to render better health care services, the hospital was expanded and equipped with 200 bedded facilities and doctors. At present, it is one of the leading hospitals of Gorakhpur with 31 doctors, Paramedical and nursing professional working round the clock providing quality medical care to the marginalized section of the society in eastern Uttar Pradesh. The hospital has various departments like General Medicine, General Surgery, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Community Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Cardiology, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Cath- Lab, Critical Care Medicine, Neonatology, ENT, Dental, Dermatology, Casuality, Radiology & Imaging, Dialysis unit, Pharmacy,

Microbiology, Biochemistry, Haematology, Histopathology, Community health, department of Blood Transfusions, Apheresis and initiated medical education through School of Nursing and Paramedical Institute.


Quality Health Care to all humanity in true spirit of love and equality under the umbrella of universal family and to be a custodian of health reaching beyond excellence in health care.


To provide the best quality health care possible irrespective of the patient’s caste, creed religion and economic condition and to provide excellence in patients care & treatment by serving the needs of the people of the community beyond the boundaries.


"Life in its fullness"

Our Quality


  • • To provide patient care services at par - excellence with National Standards.
  • • To provide quality patient care at an affordable cost.
  • • To ensure continuous satisfaction of patients, attendants and employees.
  • • To monitor and measure quality of service provided and take timely corrective actions.
  • • To set quality as the first key performance indicator of all the services provided.


Fatima Hospital is committed to provide innovative, consistent and quality health and medical care at affordable cost to the patient and constantly striving to improve clinical outcomes, professionalism, patient safety and patient satisfaction

History of our healing mission

The Catholic Diocese of Gorakhpur was erected on 19th June 1984 by His Holiness Pope John Paul II through the Bull "Exquo Divinum Concilium". It comprises of seven civil districts Gorakhpur, Maharajganj, Deoria, Basti, Sidharthanagar, Kushinagar and Sant Kabirnagar of eastern Uttar Pradesh, it was carved out of the diocese of Varanasi. Rev. Dominic Kokkat CST was appointed first Bishop of the diocese. Presently Most Rev. Bp Thomas Thuruthimattam CST is the bishop of Gorakhpur. The diocese covers 19,070 Sq. Kms. geographical area and 18 million of population.

Social service mission over the years

The diocese works for the social, economic and cultural developments of the people in this region. The long perseverance of the dedicated catholic faithful, committed Italian and Canadian missionaries and spiritual leaders paved the way for this fruitful diocese. The Catholic origin in Gorakhpur could be traced back to the primitives of Catholics in Bethiaraj who migrated to this city as agricultural labourers in the beginning of 1800th during the British colonialism. Further it is evident from the hand book of Bengal Mission, about the catholic mission work and pastoral care done by Fr Joseph Maria along with Italian fathers under the guidance of the Vicar Apostolic of Patna around 1740th in this region. They laid the foundation stone for the pastoral and social services in this region. 1892 to 1906 brought out remarkable developments with the constant perseverance of Fr Joseph Hiki and Fr T. Considine.

In the beginning Gorakhpur was in the Banaras Prefecture. Later it changed into Gorakhpur-Banaras Prefecture in the year 1947 under the able leadership of late Msgr. Jerome Malenfant, ofm cap. Under his auspicious guidance, the social and mission works started to flourish in all walks of social and religious spheres. The socio-economic nature of the region was so vulnerable and deteriorating.

The missionaries faced many challenges in providing better health to the people in the rural communities. There were no apt measures to meet the social and medical needs of the people. High population coupled with poverty created social vulnerability in the community. The vulnerability and deteriorating condition of the region brought rise in childhood illness, maternal morbidity and mortality. The geographical features further created vector and water borne diseases in this area. People were at risk of infection from communicable disease, such as malaria, pneumonia, dengue and leprosy. The social health problems took a high toll on individuals in the rural communities. Msgr. Jerome Malenfant, ofm cap felt the real pulse of the poor who needed basic facilities to survive. He visualized the immediate need of having dedicated and committed missionaries to provide human touch to the poor. So he invited CST fathers to extend their holistic services in this region.

Very Rev. Fr Basilius Panat CST, the founder of the Little Flower Congregation visited this backward region and worked out modalities took up the challenges bravely and assigned his priests to render indispensable pastoral care in Gorakhpur in 1969-70. CST fathers were actively involved in the evangelical work and their integrated social service mission led to the emergence of Gorakhpur diocese in the year 1984. Today under the diocese we have 42 religious priests, 44 diocesan priests, 12 religious brothers and 180 sisters to carry out the pastoral and community development works.

The deteriorating health status and the deplorable social condition that further boosted by poverty and rapid growth in population fetched many social and economic draw backs in the region. The diocese and its health department ventured into the problem by establishing dispensaries in the rural areas during 1975- 1990, thus making primary health care available to the people. To defend the social status and rights of the people, a social service wing consisting of various registered NGO’s and societies were formed. Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti (PGSS) the social service department operates community development actions in seven districts. Further diocese constituted different service departments such as Catholic education society under which we have schools and colleges to provide better educational services to eradicate illiteracy of the region and Diocesan society to look after the pastoral needs of the region. Little flower society was established to provide vocational training to the rural poor and a society for development initiatives for social action was formed for integral development interventions in the rural areas.

Geographical structure of the region and its hydrological feature further created ill-fate circumstances for the spread of vector and water borne diseases in this area. Japanese Encephalitis, dengue fever and Hep B&C were very common. Diocese implemented many strong community based health programmes but were deprived of an apt clinical intervention. Many people in this region miserably died due to unavailability of medical facilities and the community health centers failed to attend to the higher medical needs of the people. Even we lost two priests, working towards a better tomorrow for the region, due to the lack of timely medical intervention. So the health and the social service departments of the diocese felt the need of a hospital that could meet the urgent medical requirements and alter the vulnerability of the region. It paved the way for the birth of Fatima hospital.

Fatima community hospital is the realization of the dream cherished by the Catholic Diocese of Gorakhpur and it is established in the year1995 considering the genuine needs of the community. The community primary care centers started in 1980’s were transformed into satellite clinics under Fatima hospital. Presently Fatima has a net work of 10 satellite clinics in the rural areas. All these referral and primary care clinics are managed by religious nuns and committed staff. The beneficiaries of the community health programmes in far flung villages are referred to Fatima Hospital for further investigation and medical interventions. As a response to the requirements of the region, we constituted a cadre of health professionals by recruiting well experienced and dedicated doctors, nurses, caring team of missionary sisters and other health care professionals who work tirelessly round the clock to save the life of the people. We deliver timely services to the rural people within the remit of 15 medical disciplines that are managed by qualified and well trained team of medical professionals.

Fatima is a non profitable / charitable hospital. We stand as a community referral hospital for all the ten satellite clinics within the diocese. We ensure quality health services at minimum charges that any class of the society can afford. We provide affordable general outpatient and inpatient medical and surgical care to the deprived people in this region. Diocese of Gorakhpur has only one charitable hospital which undertakes timely clinical and social interventions to assure better health and economic status to its poor people.

Miles Stone

Our Achivements

• Satellite clinics
• Cadre of community outreach team
• 25% rise in institutional delivery
• 5% reduction in cataract rate
• First ever open heart surgery in eastern U.P
• First Bypass Surgery (CABG) performed in eastern U.P.
• Fourth Catholic Hospital to run CVTS in India
• Fatima Paramedical institute
• Fatima Institute of Medical Sciences.
• Selected by IAPB for capacity Building Programme in eradication of needless blindness
• Well furnished Chapel

Development of Fatima Hospital

1. A fully dedicated Heart institute.
Fatima hospital has been advancing in providing better and quality health care to the needy people of eastern Uttar Pradesh. Keep in view of the medical needs of the people a heart institute was established with basic diagnostic equipments and provision for various ranges of surgeries. The objective of department is to cardiac patients provide surgeries its requires. Fatima hospital take the pride of performing the first open heart surgery of eastern uttar Pradesh patients with the rumetic heart disease, valvular patients are given surgery intervention conservative heart like hole in the heart are treated here.

2. Blood Bank for transfusion of whole human blood.
A well-furnished blood Bank functions at Fatima Hospital for 24 hours . This is of great help for the patients, especially for surgical patients. This project has come up with the timely collaboration of Manos Unidas, Spain.

3. Five dedicated operating rooms.
To perform various range of surgeries for the needy patients we are furnish enough to have five equip operation rooms.

4. Four bedded recovery room for the post-operative care of surgical patients.
In order to give post operative nursing care to the surgical patients we have established four bedded recovery rooms and five bedded surgical intervention care unit.

5. Five bedded surgical ICU with bed-side monitors.

6. Twelve bedded Gynae ward.

7. Fourteen private rooms for patients with Nurses station.

8. Six bedded surgical ward for female.

9. Six bedded surgical ward for male.
The volume of out patients and in patients are constantly raise at Fatima hospital taking into considering the generous needs of the medical services to the people we have expansion or existing infrastructure by having various wards and private room for the patients with nursing station for the patients. 12 bedded gyane ward, 6 bedded surgical male, 6 bedded surgical ward female are under construction. 14 private rooms for the patients with nursing station is ready and it is being used by the patients for their medical services. We acknowledge gratefully the goodwill and the generous support of the parries at church of Our Lady of Zurich, Switzerland has there is raise in the out patients. It was necessary to have specious waiting area for the people so, a 1500 sq fit waiting area has been construct to meet the needs of the patients.

10. Twenty bedded NICU.
There are occurrences of complication among the new born babies. Complication such as pneumonia, Jaundice, pre mature babies and respiratory related among the babies. In order to give better medical intervention we have established 20 bedded Intensive Care Unit and 4 bedded PICU with Phototherapy treatment, Radiant warmer, C – Pap and other necessary equipments.

11. Four Bedded PICU.

12. 1500 Sq. ft. waiting area.

13. Separate & dedicated eye department with surgical ailment of 2500 surgeries per annum where of cataract, glaucoma, entropion , pterygium, cyst, chalazion, stye, dacryocystitis are operated.

14. Chapel cum meditation center.
Fatima Hospital always believed that only God Almighty could give a complete cure to the patients. It was a long cherished dream of Fatima hospital to set apart a place for prayer and meditation. The patients and their attendants have always expressed their desire to spend some time in the presence of the Lord in silence. Thus foundation stone for a prayer cum meditation center was laid on February 22nd 2006 in front of the hospital. It is yet to complete

15. Separate staff quarters where fifty people can be accommodated.

16. Establishment of Nursing School with hostel, library, lab, where 40 student per year are recruited and trained for 3 ½ years. (one more floor yet to be completed.)

It has dream cherished of Fatima hospital of the diocese of Gorakhpur to have a nursing school attached to the hospital to trained qualified skilled nurses to render valuable services in the community with focus on empowering young women to face the challenges in life and to be independent in this like fatima hospital venture into establishing a school of where 3 ½ years of provided on the completion the traing a diploma is awaeded to the qualified students at the nursing school annual intake of 40 per batched. We have three batches with a 100 student enroll right now the nursing school is under construction is almost is completion. Nursing has a provision of the hostel with 8 dormitory, library, 4 class rooms, 5 labs, common room, administrative offices 6 dormitory with toilet attached and lab are yet be complicated

17. Introducing paramedical courses for the youngsters like courses such as Diploma in medical laboratory (lab technician) , Diploma in optometry (eye technician), Diploma in X Ray technician.
Fatima Institute of Medical Sciences (FIMS) is a jewel added to the crown of Fatima Hospital. After having served the people of eastern Uttar Pradesh in different fields, Fatima Hospital is venturing to provide para medical education for the youngsters of eastern Uttar Pradesh. The courses offered at the institute are Diploma In Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT), Diploma In X ray & Imaging, Diploma in Optometry.

Goals, Structure and Technology of Fatima Hospital from 1995 - 2011










1995 – 2000 Clinical Institutionalized care and community care irrespective of patients’ caste , creed and religion 1. Community work, Health Awareness camps, Specialized Medical camps like Heart & Eye Camps Care and custody of poor, marginalized  and middle class One storey building adequate Basic medical equipments
2001 – 2011 Clinical Institutionalized, community care advanced and super specialized care irrespective of
  1. Community services
  2. Blood donation camps
  3. Microscopic center for communicable diseases
  4. Para medical training
  5. Nursing training
  6. Continued Medical Education (CMEs) for doctors, nurses and other staff
Care and custody of poor, marginalized and middle class Expansion of existing structure


Advanced biomedical equipments


• # Satellite clinics
• # Cadre of community outreach team
• # 25% rise in institutional delivery
• # 5% reduction in cataract rate
• # First ever open heart surgery in eastern U.P
• # First Bypass Surgery (CABG) performed in eastern U.P.
• # Fourth Catholic Hospital to run CVTS in India
• # Fatima Paramedical institute
• # Fatima Institute of Medical Sciences.
• # Selected by IAPB for capacity Building Programme in eradication of needless blindness
• # Well furnished Chapel


• # Satellite clinics
• # Awarded as the Cleanest Hospital in Gorakhpur by Nagar Nigam Gorakhpur in 2018
• # 25% rise in institutional delivery
• # 5% reduction in cataract rate
• # First ever open heart surgery in eastern U.P
• # First Bypass Surgery (CABG) performed in eastern U.P.
• # Fourth Catholic Hospital to run CVTS in India
• # Fatima Paramedical institute
• # Fatima Institute of Medical Sciences.
• # IAPB for capacity Building Programme in eradication of needless blindness


Available Departments & Facilities
• General Medicine
• General Surgery
• Anaesthesia Service
• Cardiology
• Cardiothoracic Surgery
• Critical Care(NICU, MICU, ICCU)
• Ear, Nose & Throad
• Gastroenterology
• GI Surgery
• Nephrology
• Neurosurgery
• Obstetrics & Gynaecology
• (High Risk Obstetrics Care)
• Physiotherapy
• Ophthalmology
• Orthopaedics
• Paediatrics
• Pulmonology
• Urology
• Neurology

Anxiliary Services

• Store-general & medical
• Medical gases (piped & cylinder)
• Bio medical Engineering
• Laundry

Other Services

• Health Check-up packages
• Cafeteria
• Hospital management services
• Medi-claim department
• Security

24*7 Services

• Emergency Services
• Laboratory Services
• Radiology Services
• Pharmacy Services
• Ambulance Services
• (Including Mobile ICU)
• Blood Bank
• Component Unit with Aphaersis


• World Heart Foundation
• Laico, Arvind Eye Hospital
• Government of Uttar Pradesh
• Government of India.
• BSNL Gorakhpur
• India Post Gorakhpur
• North-Eastern Railway
• Sight Savers International (SSI)
• Manos Unidas
• Simavi
• Future Generally India Insurance
• Alankit


Most Rev. Dr Mathew Nellikkunnel CST
Bishop of Gorakhpur

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Fr. Dr. Santhosh Sebastian
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Fr. Shijo Augustine
Associate Director
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Fr. Wilson Cheruvil
Associate Director
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Dr. Vinay Sinha
Medical Superintendent
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